TG10 Digital Sociology

2nd WIP Hybrid Workshop December 14–15, 2023, Belgrade

The Digital Sociology Thematic Group (TG10) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), is organizing this second workshop for work-in-progress papers. The workshop is open to Early-Career Digital Sociology Researchers (Ph.D. Students and Postdoctoral Researchers) and will be held remotely and in-person in Belgrade on December 14–15, 2023. Suppose you are at this early career stage and seeking advice, evaluation, and intellectual encouragement in a supportive environment to enhance your work-in-progress paper toward its publication. In that case, this workshop is the right choice. You may propose a work in progress on any topic relevant to the field of Digital Sociology. Sociological analysis of big data, algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), social datafication, data relocation, hate speech disinformation, digital transformations, digital inequalities, digital divides, socio-material perspectives of information and communication technologies, digital mobilization, network activism, digitization of well-being, digital social capital, or digital happiness are just some of the possible research topics. The submitted proposal will be reviewed, and each accepted paper will have two discussants: a peer (workshop participant) and an experienced scholar. The discussants will provide feedback on the paper and facilitate a dialogue with the author by making suggestions for improvements to the theoretical approach, methodological or analytical apparatus, style, citations, etc.